Experience is Everything

Parsva Virabadrasana

By Denise Kay

I had been practicing yoga off and on since I was in my 20’s. Just dabbling, never a full participant, and when I chose to immerse myself in this practice it was when I was asked to become a teacher and take a yoga training. I had taught movement most of my life as a dancer/dance instructor and as an aerobic, step and spin instructor. I have taught movement classes for actors, kids with disabilities and people of all ages; but when I was asked to become a yoga instructor it was another story. I knew that when I took the teacher training it would be much more than any other movement modality. It’s not just about the postures, I thought, and who was I to teach such an ancient science anyway?

So I studied. I took classes with one teacher, then added more classes with other teachers. I read a great deal and practiced until I felt I was ready. I had the pleasure of doing my first training with a very experienced instructor. A man I felt honored to study with. Raji Thron opened my eyes to a world that was and continues to be very sacred to me. I began teaching and continued to study.

Then I found a female teacher that I respected, one who had many years of yoga experience to help my practice shift to a deeper understanding of what it is to teach yoga. I began my studies with Delia Quigley and completed my second 500-hour teacher training.

After teaching for a few years I was asked to train people to teach; however, I knew I was not yet ready to take on that responsibility. So I continued to study. I began a daily self practice, took classes with senior level instructors, and I studied some more. I looked deeper into the intimacy of the practice and what it has to offer to people living in our culture at this time in history.

After 10 years of teaching and study I felt I was ready to train teachers in the science and art of Hatha yoga. I felt there was still much to learn, but that I had enough knowledge and experience to share with others. In learning to teach the many facets of this sacred practice I have been blessed with teachers who have guided me along the way. People I respect for the work they do in the world.

When my students began to ask me to teach them how to teach I approached Delia, who has guided many people to become yoga instructors, including myself. Her approach and vision of yoga was similar to mine. As we collaborated over the course of a year our ideas jelled. We both agreed that to fully understand how to teach yoga you first need to understand yourself, the ultimate goal of a yoga practice. That is how the Ha-Tha Yoga Method was created.

We are now heading into our 5th year and have taught many wonderful men and women who have become responsible, compassionate and knowledgeable teachers. I continue to feel honored to instruct and guide those students willing to become yoga instructors. I am blessed to have started at a time when yoga was not just a form of movement to be taught, but a life practice that can transform your body and mind.

Most importantly though, I am happy that I waited until I felt ready to train yoga teachers. My experience is what I count upon. I am thrilled to be a part of something I believe in; and I hope I can continue, for many more years, to guide others on the amazing path of the 8-Limbs of Yoga practice.

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